Monday, January 3, 2011

Chat with a rakyat

roda itu bulat­ ­

mcm kuih donut

yup yang di atas akan ke bawah juga­ ­

tp klu duduk bawah je,penat woii
so kite tgk la nnti

orang yang di bawahla yang akn ke atas­ ­

bila kat ats,jngn lupe org di bawah
ni la bile dah jd kaya
semua lupe
duit dikaburi mata
ah geram2
ase nk terajang je

inilah ujian tuhan, untuk kita kenal diri kita­ ­

rsa di perbodohkan

sampai kita menyerah­ ­
sepenuh-penuhnya pada Dia­ ­

yg maha esa

minggu lepas ada satu tulisan daripada seorang pemikir islam pasal cara untuk berjaya dalam hidup­ ­
tak semestinya pada amalan, ibadat semata-mata, itu semua memang penting tapi diri kita kena start dulu­ ­
kenal sapa diri kita, sebagai khalifah kita perintahkan diri kita untuk berjaya­ ­

ok btul
stat dari diri kita

bunyi macam simple tapi susah sebenarnya­ ­

mmg la

pernah tak berdialog dengan diri sendiri­ ­

dlu prnh la
skrg xc

itulah maksudnya sentiasa bercakap dengan diri kita untuk menuju kejayaan­ ­

tp bckp dlm hati la
kdg2 klu rse mcm mlas
bckp dlm hati sorg2

iyela kalu cakap sorang sorng gila org kata­ ­


itulah senjatanya, sentiasa perintah diri untuk kebaikan­ ­
kejayaan­ ­
kesejahteraan­ ­
dan selepas tu tengok ada perubahan tak­ ­

btol gak!

sama-sama la kita ke arah kejayaan macam azan yang dilaungkan 5 kali sehari tu

mudah mudahan

kalu sentiasa senang nanti bila susah mati akal

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Sharp Pointy Ears

Sound of silence, i love that song, was most befitting in The Watchmen. We love to talk and hear our own echo of madness and we also like to be like a detuned radio. Have we ever heard of the correct ways on how to live our life accordingly so that we would have enough to eat, spend and be merry?

Should there be a revolution? that's so old school, history is way too tired to repeat itself, Shirley Bassey trembles when asked for an encore.

Why no one is addressing this predicament,the rakyat is cukup-cukup makan, the rakyat is squeezing all their might to maintain their sanity.

The Forehead

Wrinkles, invisible and visible treading across the temple regardless of it being wide or narrow. Thoughts churning out on the ways and hows to survive. How much do you have in your banking account? How much do you plan to spend so that people around you would say that you are doing ok. We are living in a grand shenanigan, living in a borrowed time and capital (literally).

Let's do the maths on how much an average rakyat spend. Morning requires breakfast, if you have a doting wife/husband who prepares breakfast for you, you saved between RM2 to RM5. Then you factor in your transportation cost, I dont see anyone riding bicycles to work so that would fall between RM2(by bus) to RM10 (fuel), yeah I know call me a cheapskate, I often refuel at RM10 thank you very much. Then the toll, RM1.10 please or RM2.20 twice if using Kesas. As soon as we arrive at our lovely office, there's parking attendant that we have to deal with (between RM3 to RM8 daily) or better still if we were fortunate enough to have monthly parking bays at at least RM120 a month. Most of us would risk it and parked along the yellow line. If we were lucky nothing would come by but if we were not be prepared to pay RM30 in the form of summons from either the traffic or the local council enforcers. If unlucky you may find your car at DBKL depot and had to forked out RM210 to bail your car out. Sweet.

Then you realised how time flies so fast, it's afternoon already and you're bloody starving, RM5 to RM10, your choice of any pakcik or makcik. If your friends didnt suddenly get the itch to have proper lunch then you're saved. Balik time you arrrived home tired and wanted your own private space and some little entertainment for yourself, bought magazine or comic or treated yourself with a nice dessert. All in all RM50 at least to be spend a day. 20 working days times RM50 is already RM1000. Rent? Groceries? Utilities? Installments?

We are living in a bankrupt world. SO tell me, there must be something wrong with people in Malaysia, because it can't be the system. The system is always right, it's the people, ain't it?